Friday, July 10, 2009

July 8, 2008 - 18 Months to Crack the Puzzle - James Monroe Shay Ancestors Confirmed!

She found me on Ancestry with my listing of James Monroe Shay as the son of Peter Shay and sent me an email. I was so happy for her to confirm that Peter Shay did in fact have a son by the name of James Monroe Shay.

I kept reading this email over and I think that if Peter Shay went out West on a scouting expedition then he would have had to of done it in the 1820's. During the 1820's...many trappers and settlers from the United States and Canada began to arrive on the West coast.

(Side note: My Uncle says that George Heath use to say that he had ancestors that went out to California). Since I know that nobody on the Heath side ever went out West, I wonder if George was referencing Peter Shay who would have been his great grandfather.

Also since Nathaniel Shay was born in January 1829 in New York, Peter Shay would have to of met his wife out West and married her by 1828. There could not have been too many women out West at that point. Many of the scouting expeditions were made up mainly of men. Also many Indian Tribes were making treaties with Americans or relocating. Given the name and vague information on Peter's wife. I think she is a very good candidate for being out Native American Woman that we are descended from.

I sent JK an email giving her all of James Monroe Shay's information...and setting the record straight that he fought for the Union and not the confederacy during the Civil War.

I asked her if she ever heard anything about a Native American connection. I am waiting on a reply from her. I am looking forward to any info she sends me and will forward it onto you.

I have Peter Shay Sr. Revolutionary War Pension Records. It sounds like Peter Sr, Peter Jr and James Shay all lead interesting lives. Its taken about 18 months to really crack the puzzle.

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