Friday, July 10, 2009

April 23, 2008 - Sidney Crandall

Not sure if this individual is related to our Crandalls but I thought it interesting he was married to a Mary Chase and lived in Potter County.


Well Known Former Whitesville Citizen Died at Andover Saturday

SIDNEY CRANDALL, a former resident of this place, and a man well known throughout Allegany County, died at his home in Andover saturday morning at 1 o'clock at the age of 73 yrs. Funeral was held from late home in Andover, Monday morning, and interment was made in Rural Cemetery at this place, Rev. F. M. Baker, pastor of the M. E. church of Andover, officiated at both services.Mr. CRANDALL was born in this village Feb. 2, 1840, where he made his home until he reached the age of twenty-one. In 1861 he enlisted in the union army, and served throughout the civil war. He spent one year in Andersonville prison.In 1867 he married Mary CHASE of this place. He conducted a general merchandise business at Raymond, Potter county, Pa., for a number of years, afterwards, moving to this place, where he also was in the mercantile business.

In the early eighties Mrs. CRANDALL died, and several years later he was united in marriage to Mrs. Clara DEXTER.It was while in business in this village he was elected County Superintendent of the Poor on the Republican ticket. He very capably filled this position for two terms, the present incumbent, D. C. GRUNDER, being his successor.Mr. CRANDALL was a member of the Baptist church. He was also a charter member of DEXTER Post, G. A. R., but upon his retirement from public office he took up Andover as his residence, and was transferred to that post.He was engaged in the store business in Andover for a time. Mr. CRANDALL was a public spirited citizen, much beloved by all who knew him.For three or four years the deceased had been in failing health. The immediate cause of his demise was a shock. He is survived by his wife of Andover, and four sons: Maurice, of Rochester and Wilford of Sistersville, W. Va., by his first marriage: George and Frank of Andover by his second marriage, and two sisters, Mrs. John ROSE and Mrs. Antoinette DEXTER, both of this place, besides many other sorrowing friends and relatives.

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