Friday, July 10, 2009

April 10, 2008 - Clarence Lane/Maude Button/Henrietta Wood

Just had a few minutes at lunch today and was searching for info on the Wood side of the family. We have been able to trace the Wood side back to Robert Henry Wood and then the info stops. Aunt Edie said she was unable to find any thing beyond that point either.

So today I was inputting different names of my g grandfather's siblings ... Henrietta Wood and 'lo and behold - the search brought up her daugher Maude who happened to be married to a Clarence Lane (1st wife)... which then brought up your family tree!

Henrietta was a sibling of George W. Wood ... my g grandfather their parents were: Robert Henry Wood and Altena Bice. Did you know of this connection?


No I did not...I did have it written down on my notes that my grandfather's first wife Maude Button was the daughter of a Henrietta Wood. Wow...small world. My mother has the wedding china from my grandfather's wedding to Maude...from 1914. My mother will think that connection is cool.


can't wait to relay this info to Aunt Edie. She will be most pleased.

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