Tuesday, April 29, 2008


WOW - over 100 pages in James Shay's Pension File. The first 100 pages were received today! Many affidavits and applications but nothing on Margaret Mayberry and James Shay's parents -- a little disappointing.

But, we did confirm James' death as being in 1869 and that his daughter Mary died in October 10, 1874. Mention was made that Nancy had married an Owens and Jane had married a Heath and both resided in Potter County, PA. This confirms what we had speculated -- Nancy had married Thomas Owens and most likely Jane came with them to PA where she then met William Heath and married.

Most likely we will have to pursue the Owens side to find any info on the Margaret and James.

Heard back from LH - his Aunt didn't recall any thing but he has agreed to continue to review his documents and contacts.

Will scan some of the documents from the pension file and post later today.

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